
We provide the following services:


TFW can perform ALTA/ACSM land title surveys based upon 2016 minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/ACSM land title surveys as adopted by American Land Title Association and National Society of Professional Surveyors. The client simply decides which optional survey responsibilities and specifications should be included from table A of the standards, provides TFW with a current title commitment for the subject property and we will take it from there. The final deliverable will include the basic certification as included in the standards.

Condominium Surveys

New construction or condo conversion? No problem. After the initial site survey, TFW is ready to perform all necessary field measurements and office services to produce a condominium plat suitable for recording with the respective county recorder or register of deeds. Each individual condo unit will need to be field measured prior to plat preparation. TFW can measure the units before or after drywall installation. Upon completion of measurements, the plat is prepared showing the property boundary, building location, individual units (within the building) with horizontal dimensions, floor and ceiling elevations. The plat can be prepared as a whole, showing all units and buildings to be submitted to the condominium act at one time or as an add-on plat, in which case, units and/or buildings will be submitted as they are completed or conveyed.

Construction Layout

TFW is prepared to perform all types of construction layout, ranging from "house-line" in new subdivisions to land development infrastructure for any commercial, industrial or residential project. TFW will provide lump sum quotations for entire developments or will work on an hourly basis. We can calculate the required geometry from "hard copy" plans.

GPS/Aerial Control

TFW Consulting, Inc. is fully equipped with the latest in GPS (Global Positioning Technology) technology. We currently utilize post process and real time versions of GPS equipment. Each field crew is equipped with some form of GPS euqipment which is used as the project dictates. We can collect topographic data with GPS equipment by walking or attached to one of our 4 wheel drive ATV vehicles. We can collect the most accurate data by using static equipment and post processing data. We have GPS systems using permanent base stations as established by others and monitored continuously. Aerial control, when required, is collected with the same GPS equipment as is used for boundary survey work. We can place aerial control panels and record both horizontal and vertical data fo aerial photo and topographic applications.

High Resolution Orthometric Photo by Drone Photography

Currently, TFW is offering drone flight video and High-Resolution Photos taken by the DJI Phantom Pro.

Potential Projects Include:

  • Imagery of property
  • Imagery of various phases of construction sites
  • Video for Progress Tracking or Marketing Purposes

Soon, TFW will implement photogrammetric surveying as a service, to further expand our ability to Survey Services. This will allow for field crews to measure areas with limited accessibility, safety issues, or to improve efficiency to pass along to Clients.

Route Surveys

TFW can provide "route surveys" consisting of topographic mapping of roadway right of ways preliminary to engineering design. In most cases, mapping covers the full right of way width, but can be condensed or extended beyond the right of way limits. Data is collected at any interval as directed by client or governing body. When applicable, cross-section data is collected on County or State stationing. The final deliverable is usually a plan and profile-style CAD file intended to be used as a base for final engineering drawings.

Site Development Plans

TFW Consulting, Inc. can design complete site development plans, sometimes called "Permit Plats". The design will show the proposed improvements (usually a building and all infrastructure). TFW will show existing utility data, including both wet and dry utilities. The plan shows existing and proposed elevations as necessary and dictated by the governing body. Upon completion and combined with architectural plans, the package is ready for submittal as part of the permit application.

Subdivision Surveys

Given a finely detailed concept plan or just a few lines scribbled on a napkin, TFW will perform all necessary geometric calculations, prove conformity to applicable zoning ordinances and draft a final plat of subdivision suitable for recording in the subject municipality and county. From a simple 2 lot plat of subdivision to a multi-phase 1000 lot development, TFW can produce the required final product. In addition to the drafting of the graphics, computation of distances, bearings and areas, preparation of a certificate page, TFW will also provide the final lot corner staking and placement of concrete monuments (as required by state statute).

Topographic Mapping

Whether you're planning a building addition to your residence or a 500 acre development tract, TFW Consulting, Inc. can help. Mapping a village road for re-construction, volume calculations in water-filled ponds, topography through 8 foot high corn in late summer, we have done it all. TFW will utilize any one or more of several different methods to accomplish your needs. We utilize GPS technology when possible, conventional total station data collection in some cases, 4 wheel and 6 wheel drive ATV vehicles when accessible to site, boats with sounding equipment... in other words, the best method for your job. The final deliverable is a CAD format drawing, showing spot elevations and/or contours as directed. The electronic CAD file will be provided for your unrestricted use.

Land Planning & Civil Engineering Design